CS3100 - Algorithms (Schedule and Slides)

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Daily Announcement Slides


Module Num Module Name Slides CLRS Chapters
0 Course Introduction Course Introduction -
1 01 - Graphs Introduction Graphs Intro and BFS CLRS Ch. 22.1-22.2
DFS, Topological Sort, SCCs CLRS 22.3-22.5
2 02 - Graphs Advanced Dijkstra and Prim’s CLRS 23.2, 24.2, 24.3
Kruskal and Find-Union CLRS 21.1-21.4, 23.2
Graph Problems (Flights and Water Jugs)
3 03 - Divide and Conquer Divide and Conquer Intro
Recurrence Relations CLRS 4.3-4.5
Closest Pair of Points CLRS 33.4
QuickSelect CLRS 9.1-9.3
4 04 - Greedy Algorithms Introduction / Making Change CLRS Ch. 16
Knapsack Problem CLRS 16.2
Activity Selection CLRS 16.1
Bridge Problem
Resource Division
5 05 - Dynamic Programming Introduction / Rod Cutting CLRS 15.1
Weighted Activity Selection
0/1 Knapsack Problem
Coin Change Problem
Sequences CLRS 15.4
6 06 - Network Flow / Bipartite Matching Flow Networks CLRS 26.1-26.2
Max-Flow Proof and Min-Cut
Intro to Reductions
7 07 - NP-Completeness Intro to NP-Completeness CLRS Ch. 34
Example Reductions
8 08 - Machine Learning Introduction / Logistic Regression
Unsupervised Learning
Supervised Learning: Decision Trees
Supervised Learning: Artificial NNs
