CS4730 - HW 1: Game Loop

Every assignment has a Github Classroom Link you must follow to get the starter code (if applicable) and to create your repository for the assignment. If you haven’t yet done so, follow the instructions at the Github Classroom Tutorial.

Assignment Invite Link: Homework 1 Invite

Once your repository is configured, push your code to it in order to submit your work.


The purpose of this assignment is to warm-up both your game development and game design skills in a low-stress environment. You will be developing a short text-based adventure in Python.

To get started, take a look at the very simple example here. Your game will ultimately be more complicated than this one, but it gives you an example of where to start. If you’d like to test out a more complicated text-based game, you can try playing Zork, or search for other text-based games online.

Your game is required to be a short, fully playable game that has some interesting game mechanics and some kind of narrative. See below for the formal requirements.

Required Features (5 features; 5/5 required to pass)

Your adventure will pass if you have each of the following five features implemented in working.

  1. Working executable
  2. Halting for player input
  3. Branching paths
  4. Compelling story
  5. Clean code

Optional Features (10 points)

If you’d like to use this assignment to make progress on the optional points portion of your grade, you may implement the following features:

  1. Encounter/combat system (2 points)
  2. Persistent stats (2 points)
  3. Quick time events (1 points)
  4. Procedural events (2 points)
  5. Saving and loading (2 points)
  6. Graphics (1 points)