CS4730 - HW 4: Camera and Tweening

Every assignment has a Github Classroom Link you must follow to get the starter code (if applicable) and to create your repository for the assignment. If you haven’t yet done so, follow the instructions at the Github Classroom Tutorial.

Assignment Invite Link: COMING SOON

Once your repository is configured, push your code to it in order to submit your work.

Background and Tutorials

In this assignment, we will begin by looking at simple camera controls in Unity. You will learn how to setup a camera and have it follow a character around the screen. You will also use investigate some simple techniques for setting up parallax layers.

You will also learn a bit about tweening. Tweening is an effect in which the start and end points of a simple animation are defined and all of the states in between those points are calculated and animated on the fly.

You should look over / use these resources while working on this assignment:

Required Features (3 features. 3/3 to pass)

When you clone the repo, there will be a Unity project already present for you to start from. Your submission / demo must have the following required features added to that project:

Optional Features

You can obtain the following optional points on this assignment: