CS3100 - Data Structures and Algorithms II: Homework Assignments

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How to Submit Assignments

We will be using Gradescope for this course. Check out the Gradescope Information Page for information on how to submit programming assignments to Gradescope.

That page also explains how the score reported by Gradescope translates to the two-level scale of Incomplete, and Pass that is used in this course.


Module Number Module Name Homework 1 Homework 2 (If Applicable)
Module 1 Graphs - Intro Tasks Board Games
Module 2 Graphs - Advanced Wiring Graph Written Problems
Module 3 Divide and Conquer Trading Recurrence Relations
Module 4 Greedy Algorithms Moving Boxes Daycare
Module 5 Dynamic Programming Drainage DP Written Problems
Module 6 Network Flow / Bi-Partite Matching Scheduling -
Module 7 NP-Completeness Written Reductions -
Module 8 Machine Learning K-Means Clustering -

Other Useful Stuff