CS4102 - Covid Policies and FAQ

Last updated: 8/20/2022

Q: I am worried about the virus: will I know if there is an unvaccinated student in the class?

In this message from 2021, the University announced that all students who live, learn, or work in person at the University during the next academic year must be fully vaccinated before returning to Grounds unless they have obtained a medical or religious exemption from the University. This rule is still in effect in 2022. Therefore, you can expect that students in your class are vaccinated. A very small number of students have received vaccination exemptions, so the likelihood that an unvaccinated student is in your class is slight.

Q: What if there is an un-masked student in class?

In 2022, University policy states that wearing masks in class is now optional. There will very likely be unmasked students in class. If you are unconcerned about this, you can wear a high-quality mask, attempt to keep some distance from others, and we will provide lecture recordings for those who do not feel comfortable attending in-person.

Q: Do I have to wear a mask in class?

Our class will diligently follow all University regulations in effect. If masks are required during a certain period, then they are absolutely required for class. If policy changes, then we will adjust accordingly. Failure to mask if a regulation is in effect can result in reporting to UJC. At the time of writing, mask wearing in classes at UVa is optional.

While mask regulations are in effect, we ask that while you are in class that you remain masked the entire time. This means no food or drink in the classroom. Additionally, all in-person office hours will require masking, regardless of location.

Please be kind to each other! Masking is a lot about how you may impact others, and some faculty and students are in situations that put them at more risk than you. This is an easy way to show we care about each other!

Q: How will you accommodate a student who needs to isolate/quarantine?

If a student informs us that they cannot attend class in-person because they have been requested to isolate or quarantine due to possible exposure to COVID-19, we will treat you as we would any other student absent due to illness. You will have access to the recordings of the lecture. You can also continue to interact with the instructors and TAs via Discord and other online tools.

Q: What if the Professor has to isolate/quarantine (either for themselves or because of a family member)?

If either instructor has to isolate or quarantine, class may have to move to an on-line delivery, though the instructors will attempt to continue in-person delivery.

Q: How will we be taking quizzes?

Quizzes will be done in-person, in your lecture room at the scheduled time. We do not plan to offer an on-line or take-home option unless circumstances change drastically. If you have some situation that might affect your ability to take quizzes in-person, contact the instructors as soon as you can.

Q: Can I just not come to lecture and just watch the recordings?

Yes, that is allowed. Just know you will miss the benefits of in-person lectures (that we’ve all missed) which may include occasional in-class activities.

Q: Are office hours going to be in-person or online?

We anticipate offering a mix of in-person and online office hours. Some staff may only offer online office hours. We will make this clear on the calendar found on the course webpage.