CS2501 - Grading Policy

Main Logistics Page (md)

The grading policy in this course is somewhat unconventional. This page will attempt to clarify how grades are determined in this course. The course contains 14 modules. Each module is a course topic that contains either two or three assessments. The assessment types are as follows:

You can see a summary of the specific assignments at the course homeworks page As stated earlier, all quizzes and homeworks are graded pass/fail, and all quizzes and homeworks can be submitted multiple times if necessary. Grading guidelines for what constitutes passing a quiz or homework will be published on the course website as the assignments roll out over time.

For each module, your grade will be in one of three states:

The table below summarizes what your letter grade will be in the course given your level of competency / mastery in the various modules. Note that once a grade is achieved, it is impossible for your grade to become lower.